Seattle Public 学校

Visual and Performing Arts

The Creative Advantage

The creative advantage logo with text "Arts Education Now. Innovative minds tomorrow" with photo of student working with clay

What is The Creative Advantage?

The Creative Advantage is the Seattle Public 学校 arts plan. It is a city-wide initiative to establish equitable access to arts learning for every Seattle Public 学校 student. It is a coordinated network that includes the district, the Seattle Office of Arts & 文化西雅图的基础,而多于 100 community arts partners.

We envision a city where, 通过艺术, all youth have voice to influence positive change in their schools and community and to develop skills for work and life. It’s an equity issue. A basic education inclusive of the arts is mandatory in 华盛顿 State, but many schools are not able to provide the necessary class time for arts instruction. While there are award-winning arts programs in some schools, many students do not have consistent access to the arts as they move through their school 职业生涯s. This is especially true for students of color who are furthest from educational justice.


The Creative Advantage History

Equitable access to arts instruction is our mission in The Creative Advantage. Arts instruction is an essential component of educating the whole child and preparing them for college, 职业生涯, and life in the 21st century. The foundation of The Creative Advantage was set in 2011 with a generous grant from the Wallace Foundation to develop a plan for SPS to provide high quality arts education equitably across the the district. The grant allowed the district to accelerate its efforts to address systemic barriers to students’ access to arts, and increased its capacity to expand its goals.

The Creative Advantage utilizes the resources of the district, 这个城市, and arts organizations to provide a K-12 continuum of arts learning in schools. Comprehensive research conducted throughout the district showed that arts access gaps were greatest for students of color, 低收入, and English Language Learners (ELL) students.  The Creative Advantage is dedicated to eliminating access gaps.

The Creative Advantage began in 2013-14 with 13 schools in the Central Arts Pathway, and each year expands to more regional K-12 pathways.

The Creative Advantage Progress

每年, a third-party evaluator gathers quantitative and qualitative data on both the implementation and the impact of The Creative Advantage. They have found overall that arts learning has become a priority, not only for the district, but for 这个城市 and community at large.

Additional encouraging findings from the first three years of implementation:

  • 5人以上,000 elementary students are attending music classes that would not have been available without the Creative Advantage.
  • The number of elementary schools with K-5 music and visual arts classes has more than doubled.
  • Students meeting standard in the arts significantly improved in the pathway elementary schools.
  • Clear evidence of growth in 21st Century Skills in Creative Advantage classrooms in student perseverance, critical thinking and culturally-responsive teaching.
  • Evidence of robust relationships with community arts partners.

By 2023, The Creative Advantage expanded to a total of 89 schools (out of 106 total SPS schools). The Creative Advantage team is developing more opportunities to connect arts to 职业生涯 for secondary students through 媒体 Arts 技术中心 courses offered in the summer and during the school year.