



我们的愿景是让学生做好准备, 与家庭和社区合作, 在一个日益相互依存的世界中成为全球公民.

西雅图的国际学校重视多语言教学, 培养创造性和批判性思维能力, and emphasize a global perspective that will help students contribute to and succeed in an increasingly interconnected world.

国际学校 help students engage in intellectually rigorous schoolwork and prepare them 国际学校 engage students in culturally relevant and intellectually rigorous schoolwork that prepares them for college, 一个职业, 积极参与当地和全球社区.

Students examine complex and interconnected global issues and learn how to recognize and respect different perspectives. Our 国际学校 teach and nurture core dispositions such as developing empathy and promoting equity.

Students in 国际学校 develop cross-cultural communication and collaboration skills and learn how to take collective action for sustainable development. Teachers and staff in our 国际学校 strive to develop a globally competent and culturally responsive professional practice.

有关新闻更新,请订阅我们的时事通讯 全球聊天

国际教育-十大正规网赌软件图表.  中间是一个标有“全球公民”的地球仪. 下一圈显示国际教育(SPS理事会政策号)的组成部分. 2177:文化/全球竞争力,全球视野,世界语言. Outer circle shows 21st Century Skills (SPS Strategic Plan): 沟通与协作能力, 创造性和批判性思维, 沟通与协作能力. 外圈的其余部分表示全局能力矩阵, (CCSSO/亚洲协会)调查世界承认的观点, 交流想法,采取行动.


  • RCW 28.150.210:基础教育-学区的目标
    “A basic education is an evolving program of instruction that is intended to provide students with the opportunity to 成为负责任和尊重的全球公民 , to contribute to their economic well-being and that of their families and communities, 探索和理解不同的观点, 享受富有成效和令人满意的生活.”




  • 青年领导华盛顿全球问题网络(WAGIN)会议(2021网站)
  • Heritage Language Grant focusing on Somali and Spanish language opportunities and resources
  • Open Educational Resources Grant focusing on middle school dual language curriculum development and resources
  • 世界语言学分计划和双语印章和一个美国  说你的语言活动


Q: What do current families need to do about transitions from elementary to middle or high school?

A: If you reside in the neighborhood attendance area of the middle or high school in the International/Dual Language pathway, your child will be assigned to that school by default (so you do not need to submit a form).


If you do NOT reside in the school’s attendance area (use our Assignment Lookup Tool to check), then you do need to submit the School Choice form available on the Open 十大正规网赌软件 and School Choice. Indicate the International/Dual Language pathway middle school or high school and your child will be guaranteed placement in that pathway school.


  • John Stanford and 麦当劳国际 > Hamilton Intl MS > 林肯 HS
  • 笔架山 Intl and 迪尔伯恩公园 Intl > 美世 Intl MS > 雷尼尔山海滩 HS
  • Concord Intl > Denny Intl MS > Chief Sealth Intl HS


A: 如果你的孩子说的是西班牙语, 日本, 或约翰斯坦福大学的汉语普通话双语浸入式课程, 麦当劳, 笔架山, 迪尔伯恩公园或康科德国际学校, 然后他们就有资格进入国际/DL中学课程. 如果他们在汉密尔顿的中学双语继续班, 美世, 或Denny Intl硕士(西班牙语/日语/中国语言艺术3B), 然后他们就有资格进入国际/DL高中课程.

(Note that there may be students who joined the Dual Language Immersion pathway during middle school but did not attend one of the elementary 国际学校; they still qualify for the high school pathway.)

更多关于我们国际学校或双语教育的问题? 请随时联系Dr. Thad Williams,国际教育管理员, tbwilliams@kiaabs.net or 206 252-0191. 关于作业或学校选择的问题? 请致电206-252-0760与我们的十大正规网赌软件办公室联系.


A: The concept of a pathway is that a student entering a Dual Language (DL) program within an International School in elementary school would be able to continue in that Dual Language program into middle school, and that middle school DL students would be able to continue on a pathway into high school.

国际学校DL途径就是一个很好的例子 西南地区:康科德国际学校延续到丹尼国际中学, 一直到西思酋长国际高中.

西北地区, 两所国际小学, 约翰斯坦福国际学校和麦当劳国际学校, 送入汉密尔顿国际中学, 汉密尔顿DL学生的途径是林肯高中.


  • Rising 5th graders at John Stanford and 麦当劳国际学校s who live outside of the Hamilton Attendance Area will need to fill out a choice form to continue in the 国际学校 DL Pathway at Hamilton. 这些学生的作业是有保证的,但他们必须填写表格.
  • 8th graders in Hamilton DL who live outside of the 林肯 Attendance Area will need to fill out a choice form to continue in the 国际学校 DL Pathway at 林肯 高中.

东南地区, 两所国际小学, 比肯山国际学校 and 迪尔伯恩公园国际学校 feed into 美世国际中学. 高中双语课程继续到雷尼尔海滩高中.

Mandarin and Spanish Dual Language students from 美世 who attend other high schools, 比如富兰克林, 加菲尔德, 和克利夫兰, may have the opportunity to take higher level world language classes at those high schools, 但目前还没有用西班牙语或普通话教授内容课程.


A: If a student has demonstrated language proficiency at a level expected for placement in Dual Language classes in middle school, then that student may also be placed at the designated International 高中 pathway for that region. 如果学生想在不同地区的国际高中注册, 家庭可以在开放注册期间申请.


A: 了解十大正规网赌软件的入学信息, 请查看注册服务网页. 这里有一些具体的链接,可能会对你有所帮助:

  • 学校页面有关于选择学校的信息, 比如约翰斯坦福国际学校和麦当劳国际学校. 作为选择学校, they have 20% set-aside for native/heritage speakers of Spanish or 日本 to join their programs. 督学的学生作业程序3130 SP解释了这个过程.
  • 所有其他的国际小学都是邻里学校. Families outside the neighborhood boundary can still apply to them during Open 十大正规网赌软件, 但空间可能有限.

While admission to one of the elementary 国际学校 at Kindergarten is quite competitive, 特别是对于住在附近的家庭(比如比肯山), 迪尔伯恩公园, 或和谐), 或在GeoZone之外选择学校(麦当劳和约翰斯坦福), 一年级至五年级很有可能会有空缺, and especially from 3rd – 5th grades because those grades have higher class sizes and need to attract fluent speakers of the immersion language to join the program during those grades.


A: 访问区十大正规网赌软件网页:十大正规网赌软件服务:国际学生. 西雅图学区的惯例是接纳任何人为学生, 不论国籍或国籍, upon documentation that the student or parent/guardian resides within the boundaries of the Seattle School District. The Seattle School District will not provide legal advice to families on immigration related issues.

Please see the I-20 document and F1 brochure for the process and requirements to apply for F-1 visa status, and registration information for International Students to attend a Seattle Public 高中.

欲了解更多信息,请联系 admissions@kiaabs.net 206-252-0760. 以交换生身份持J-1签证入学的学生, see the district policy and procedure regarding International Student Exchange for more information.




西北 地区

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