Seattle Public Schools

Research and Evaluation

Reports and Briefs

The Department of Research and Evaluation maintains a portfolio of novel, mixed-methods research, program evaluations, quantitative studies, as well as qualitative and participatory efforts aligned to the strategic plan and priority goals. Visit the Curriculum and Instruction division webpage for more information curricula adoptions and current strategies.

Advanced Learning and Student Success Report

Advanced Learning and Student Success Report, 2017

This investigation includes a descriptive analysis of Advanced Learning (AL) programming, an inquiry into practices that support academic growth in AL students and a literature review. Findings suggest a need for:

  1. deeper project-based instruction;
  2. differentiation techniques for mixed ability classroom;
  3. use of common assessments to support instructional decision-making;
  4. increased use of technology to support personalized, adaptive learning;
  5. promoting inclusive school cultures and
  6. MTSS system that includes strategies for AL students.

District Scorecards

District Scorecards

这些是为2019-2024年地区策略计划所挑选的全地区关键绩效指标(kpi)的年度摘要, Seattle Excellence. These reports/School Board presentations cover standard views of each established student KPI, 重点关注我们的战略计划优先学生群体:非裔美国男性和远离教育公正的有色人种学生.

Deepening practices for student and family voices

Deepening practices for student and family voices

The student, 这份简报和研究报告中概述的家庭和教育家共同设计过程来自十大正规网赌软件非洲裔美国人成就办公室(AAMA)的早期读写合作组织。. AAMA的早期读写协作(ELC)专注于两所小学,并开始在身份确认中以正义为中心的方法, culturally aligned learning environments, as defined by Black students and families. 研究报告和倡议简报作为一个过程手册,致力于探究周期和影响学生的教育工作者, families, and communities, and the research report documents findings, practices, and artifacts from the effort.

Third Grade Reading Goal

Third Grade Reading Goal, 2020

与三年级阅读目标中四个优先领域相关的倡议实施第一年的报告. In family and community engagement, findings from educator surveys address how staff are positioning families in their work. Practitioner capacity findings illustrate teacher perceptions of literacy integration and coaching. P-3 assessment portfolio findings detail educator assessment practices and needs. The early learning pathways report illustrates educator and pre-K student experience and enrollment findings.

English Language Arts K-5 Curriculum

English Language Arts K-5 Curriculum, 2020

采用协作课堂中心(CCC)作为该地区K-5 ELA课程的多年实施研究的结果. Year one findings surfaced strengths, opportunities, and recommendations for program growth. Year two findings identified successes alongside growth edges in early literacy, cultural relevance, and assessment alignment. 三年级的总结性调查结果侧重于教师对课程采用的经验,不包括由于大流行到来而导致的学生学业成绩.

Educator Retention and Culturally Responsive Instruction

Educator Retention and Culturally Responsive Instruction, 2020

本总结报告汇集了有关改进有色人种教育工作者的招聘和保留以及文化响应教学实践相关策略的调查结果, generated through a multi-year research-practice partnership between Seattle Public Schools and the University of Washington. Retention findings include district-level patterns over time, positive outlier schools, and educator-reported retention factors, and culturally responsive teaching findings include educator self-report on their practice, school supports, and mentoring.

Our Voice Our Vision

Our Voice Our Vision, 2021

这份报告是在为期一年的社区参与努力之后,从黑人学生和家庭那里学习了有关系统改进的经验和建议. 学生和家庭为实现种族平等目标提供了见解,并为十大正规网赌软件非裔美国男性成就办公室的多年计划奠定了基础. The recommended improvements fell within four themes: Learning Environments, Classroom Instruction, Strong Relationships, and Family and Community Engagement.

Family Voice Strategies for Authentic Family Engagement in Survey

Family Voice Strategies for Authentic Family Engagement in Survey, 2020

This research brief supports the improvement of family climate survey processes to ensure centering the voices, participation, and perspectives of families furthest from educational justice. Uplifting a co-designing process, this brief calls for leveraging the positionality of the family engagement team and CBOs, to develop and increase buy-in and engagement with the survey. 最后也是最重要的建议是规划资料分享和优先行动步骤,以便将家庭回馈纳入地区实践.

Mentorship Matters: Evaluation of Kingmakers of Seattle

Mentorship Matters: Evaluation of Kingmakers of Seattle, 2022

“西雅图造王者”(KOS)是一个以黑人教育为基础的指导项目,面向十大正规网赌软件(SPS)的初高中男孩和非裔青少年。. Participating students take a rigorous Black studies course, receive individual care coordination services, and receive mentorship and leadership development. 本文简要回顾了项目设计和初步评估,提供了合作项目评估中关于学生体验的初步发现.

Supporting On-Time Graduation from 9th Grade

Supporting On-Time Graduation from 9th Grade, 2020


Graduation and Postsecondary Readiness Initiatives

Graduation and Postsecondary Readiness Initiatives, 2019


Implementation of Science Curriculum

Implementation of Science Curriculum, 2020

对小学科学(Amplify science)和中学科学(Amplify science和各种高中课程的采用)的教学材料进行为期四年的第一年研究的结果. 

Middle School Math Curriculum

Middle School Math Curriculum, 2020

These studies investigate the first two years of the implementation of the middle school math curriculum, enVisionMath2.0. Using a combination of teacher surveys, site visits, and assessment data, 这些研究探讨了可以从这种实施中学到什么,为现在和未来的地区课程采用提供信息,以及这种教学材料的采用在多大程度上有助于改变实践,为学生成绩服务,消除机会差距.

Multilingual Learners and ELL Program Report

Multilingual Learners and ELL Program Report, 2019

A report co-developed by Research and Evaluation, central office staff and WestEd that examines strategies and outcomes for English Language Learners (ELL) within the district

Dual Language Immersion Report

Dual Language Immersion Report, 2017

This study examined the implementation and effect of the Dual Language Immersion (DLI) model. Implementation analysis findings identified 5 benefits: 1) written and oral communication in two languages, 2) greater appreciation for other languages and cultures, 3) enhanced career and employment opportunities, 4) improved academic outcomes for multilingual learners, and 5) closing the opportunity gap for students of color.  影响分析结果显示,不同年级和学科对DLI学生的成绩有正向影响. 

Remote Learning Student “Pulse” and Climate Survey Report

Remote Learning Student “Pulse” and Climate Survey Report, 2021 Spring

本报告总结了2021年春季学校气候和远程学习调查的结果,该调查面向3至12年级的所有学生. COVID-19大流行导致的远程学习的转变使得与整个系统的学生定期登记变得比以往任何时候都更加重要, learning how they experience instruction, to then improve resources and instructional practices. This survey and report focused on broad experiences and impacts of the pandemic, student access to (and quality of) remote and hybrid instruction, as well as school climate and culture.

Remote Learning Student “Pulse” Survey Report

Remote Learning Student “Pulse” Survey Report, 2020 Fall

This report summarizes findings from the Fall 2020 remote learning survey –given to all students in grades 3 to 12, all families, and all instructional school staff. The surveys included aligned topics for students, staff and families: Overall, how do you feel about remote learning this fall? 2) How does this compare to last spring? 3) In the last week, have you had any major challenges connecting to remote learning? and 4) What would most help to improve your remote learning experience? Compared to Spring 2020, most families and school staff felt better about remote learning, 然而,学生的分类结果显示,非裔美国男学生和美国学生对远程学习的感觉不太好.

Student Climate Survey Practices for Schoolwide Impact

Student Climate Survey Practices for Schoolwide Impact, 2017

This report investigated districtwide climate survey practices from data use to implementation, 询问:在利用中期气候调查数据改善学校方面,出现了哪些成功的做法和确定的需求? 根据学生的回应率,对六所学校的学校领导进行了访谈。访谈的主要结果是,需要中央办公室提供额外的支持,将数据转化为全校改善的具体行动.

Schools of Promise and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support

Schools of Promise and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, 2019

An examination of school-based, 多层支援系统(MTSS)的推行,以及中央办事处各小组为指定学校提供支援,以改善MTSS的推行工作. This mixed methods study summarizes “whole child” lens implementation via district-provided tiered supports, 建立专业学习社区,注重高质量的教学,鼓励教育工作者考虑各种因素,包括学生的福祉, academics, and more to increase student outcomes.

About Program Review Process

All studies are conducted in accordance with School Board Policy 2090, which sets forth the requirement that Seattle Public Schools evaluate educational programs and services. The primary goals of the program review process are to:

  1. Provide a rigorous, systematic process for evaluating programs and services;
  2. Produce actionable formative data to improve programs and services provided; and
  3. Improve decision-making by deepening understanding of program design, implementation, outcomes and impacts.
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