Seattle Public Schools

Student Records

Records for Transferring Students

Records for Transferring Students

Submit Requests Online

如果你来自K-12学校或学区,需要前十大正规网赌软件学生的记录来支持学生的 enrollment 在你的学校,请通过我们的K-12 Transfer提交申请 Online Student Records Request System.


Additional Information:

  • 只有美国的学校能够使用K-12转学学生记录请求系统, due to privacy laws. 对于国际申请,请直接与原学校联系.
  • 如果您的学校有申请流程,并且需要学校记录来支持学生向您的机构申请(例如.g. private school, charter school, some select public schools), 请将您的申请直接提交给学生以前的学校.
    • 请注意,一旦学生被录取,家庭积极报名参加你的学校, if additional records are needed, 该请求需要通过K-12 Transfer提交 Online Student Records Request System.
  • 如果你是在读学生,以前的学生,大学或认证公司,请参考 Student Records page for more information about requesting records.

All Educational Records – About what SPS provides

以下记录是响应请求提供的,如果记录是 available for the student.

Records common to all grades:

  • State Exam Scores
  • Attendance / Truancy Records
  • Discipline Records
  • Legal Documents
  • ELL Records (will only be sent to schools outside of Washington State; Other schools in Washington State should access ELL Records via OSPI.)


Grade LevelRecords Available
Grades PreK – 5Elementary Progress Reports (last two years)
Grades 6 – 85th Grade Elementary Progress Report
Academic History (grades 6-8 classes and grades)
Proof of Washington State History
Grades 9 – 12Academic History (grades 6-8 classes and grades)
Official High School Transcript
Withdrawal Grades
SAT/ACT Scores


除了核心教育记录外,还需要以下记录类型 if the student is known to have participated in the program.

  • IEP / Special Education Records*
  • 504 records

More Information about IEP / Special Education Records:

*If your school has a subscription to IEPOnline, 请通过区际转学(IDT)提交特殊教育记录申请。. Do not duplicate the request in K-12 Transfer.

If you have questions about IEP Records, please email with your request.

More Information about ELL Records:

提供给州外学校的ELL记录将包括在我们的电子学生信息系统中提供的学生的所有测试结果. For more information, please reference the SPS English Learners program webpage.

截至2021/2022年,华盛顿州的所有学校都使用WIDA来评估语言能力. Prior to WIDA, ELPA21 was used.

What SPS does not provide:


If needed, 跟进学生的家庭或适当的十大正规网赌软件部门.

Type of RecordHow to access the records
Advanced Learning Records如果学生是高级学习者或“高能力”学生,则需要提供记录以支持学生在正确的课程中的安排, please email with your request.
ImmunizationSPS uses the Washington State Immunization Information System (WAIIS) to report on the Immunization status of students; Immunization Records are not consistently maintained by the District.

Health Records如果学生有严重的健康问题, 如果学校管理的信息需要共享,请让家人与他们的医疗服务提供者合作共享信息,或者直接与学生以前学校的护士合作.
Birth Certificates出生证明副本只用于我们的入学过程中,以核实年龄,以便更早的年级分配(学前班-一年级)。

As a family record, 应鼓励家长在转学时提供自己的出生证明复印件. 大多数县/国家都有适当的流程来管理官方出生证明的申请.

As a courtesy, 如果家庭在孩子很小的时候(3-6岁)就让他们的孩子接受了SPS治疗, 他们还需要学生的出生证明复印件, they can email 有了请求和十大正规网赌软件将检查他们的记录-请提供您的学生的全名, date of birth, 最后就读的学校和学生入学的年份.


新的K-12 Transfer应用程序是一个安全的自助服务应用程序:

  • Site Access.  Go to the Scribbles K-12 Transfer website
  • Account Creation.  申请人必须使用学校的电子邮件地址建立一个帐户. 
    • Personal emails addresses will not be accepted.
    • Verification.  Once the account request has been submitted, 验证过程大约需要24小时才能完成.  Once an account is verified, 将向请求者发送“验证完成”电子邮件通知. 
    • 您只需要验证一次,然后您可以根据需要提交尽可能多的请求.
  • Submit Request.  Once an account has been established, 登录K-12转学申请,并向十大正规网赌软件提交记录请求.
    • Select State: Washington
    • Select District: Seattle Public Schools
    • 从学校列表中,选择该学生最后就读的学校.
  • Processing Time.  申请将在2-5个学日内以电子方式处理.
    • 请注意,涉及特定程序记录的请求可能需要更长的时间, 因为该请求将由多名工作人员处理.
  • Downloading.  当您收到“您的文档请求已被批准”的电子邮件时, 您需要登录K-12转学申请下载您要求的学生记录.
