Seattle Public Schools



Volunteering Frequently Asked Questions

I do not have access to the Internet; how can I apply to volunteer?

Every student has a district-issued device that can connect to the internet – parents and guardians can utilize this device to apply to volunteer with SPS. 

If you are not a family member of an SPS student, you can visit a public library or a community center. For a list of facilities offering access to computers and the Internet for free, visit this City of Seattle website.

Alternatively, you can visit the John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence, where two computer stations are available to apply for employment and volunteer opportunities with SPS. They are located between Enrollment and Security offices.

How is volunteer information protected?

SPS and Samaritan Technologies signed a memorandum of agreement for collecting, maintaining, and storing volunteer data to ensure volunteer information is rigorously protected and meets or exceeds accepted industry practices, including specifically the International Organization for Standardization’s standards ISO/IEC 27001:2005(Information Security Management Systems- Requirements), ISO-IEC27002:2005 (Code of Practice for International Security Management).  Review Samaritan Technologies Terms of Service.

What are the requirements for new volunteers at Seattle Public Schools?

Seattle Public Schools welcome community members to volunteer at schools across the district. In order for a community member to start volunteering, they must:

  • View the online Adult Sexual Misconduct Prevention safety video
  • Read the online Volunteer Handbook
  • Volunteer Application Form
  • Be cleared by SPS using state or national background checks

Is this a requirement for all volunteers?

This process is mandatory for all school volunteers unless you are a one-time visitor. Please review additional information in our Volunteer Handbook under the section titled “Volunteer Categories; Guests vs. Volunteers.”

What are the expectations or responsibilities for Seattle Public Schools volunteers?

As a volunteer in our schools, you play a critical role in supporting students. Here are some expectations that we have of our volunteers in order to ensure their effectiveness in supporting students and schools:

  • Be prompt, dependable, and regular in attendance.
  • Support and supplement the instruction of the classroom teacher—you are expected to assist what is going on in the classroom.
  • Clearly communicate any problems that arise with the teacher, librarian or volunteer coordinator.
  • Notify the teacher, librarian or school volunteer coordinator if a student confides in you about an abusive situation. Staff will do the reporting and follow-up.
  • Respect confidentiality of students and school staff—ensure that a child’s work and behavior in school are held in confidence.
  • Remember that you are acting as a role model for children.

I see that volunteers sometimes need additional background checks.  What does it involve?

Volunteers who have not lived continuously in Washington state for more than three years are required to go through a national background check.

  • Verification of continuous residence will be required if your state ID is less than 3 years old. The school volunteer coordinator will verify residence (issue date on driver’s license, insurance, and utility bill are examples)

Additionally, volunteers who work with students regularly without direct staff supervision are also required to go through the national background check, as well as volunteer chaperoning field trips longer than 3 days.

Learn more on our page about volunteer background checks.

How does SPS complete national background checks?

Seattle Public Schools utilizes “Complete Criminal Locator Search” service provided by Sterling Volunteers. This national-level criminal background check includes the following screens: Social Security Number Scan, the Department of Justice (DOJ) National Sex Offender Registry Search, the OFAC Watch List, Nationwide Criminal Scan, and Locator Arrest Records Database.

If an applicant has a criminal history (in or outside Washington State), SPS Human Resources will review those records and determine if the volunteer role is compatible with the applicant’s criminal history. For example, a recent moving traffic violation would prevent an applicant from volunteering as a field trip driver but not as an office helper. On the other hand, if an applicant was convicted of a violent crime against minors, they would not be eligible to volunteer at SPS at all. 

What training is available for new Seattle Public Schools volunteers?

Each school is expected to provide an orientation that orients new volunteers to the school building and school community, as well as expectations for volunteers.

Are there any ongoing training opportunities for volunteers?

SPS volunteers can access a number of on-demand courses on our learning page.

There are also many resources in our community that support volunteer tutors for schools and community-based organizations. One excellent resource is the Seattle Tutoring Coalition, which provides three All-City Tutor Trainings annually.

These workshop-based trainings often include topics such as:

  • Tutoring 101
  • Motivating Your Students
  • Basics in Reading and Math Tutoring
  • Working with ELL Students
  • Cultural Competency 101

Visit our volunteer opportunities page for current openings.

What is the process for getting started as a volunteer with Seattle Public Schools?

In order to get started as a volunteer with Seattle Public Schools, you will need to:

  • Choose a school—you can find a list of schools: school directly.
  • Inquire with the school about their current volunteer opportunities – see the volunteer opportunity contact list
  • If there is a volunteer opportunity that meets your availability and interests, complete the online application process.
  • If approved, discuss and confirm your role, schedule, and expectations.
  • Ask school staff about orientation and training materials and if available, attend an orientation.

What general volunteer roles are available through Seattle Public Schools?

Each school has different volunteer needs depending on their programs. Often, schools are looking for volunteers who have skills that make them a good fit for their specific school community.

Here is a short list of the general types of volunteers that our schools look for:

  • Academic support—tutoring during the school day, as well as in before and after school programs
  • Enrichment volunteers—providing enrichment activities such as arts, drama, etc.
  • Clerical/administrative volunteers—providing office or library support, supporting classroom teachers
  • One-time volunteers—supporting family events, helping with building maintenance projects, guest presenters

Where can I find more information about volunteer roles in my neighborhood school?

You can often find out more about volunteer opportunities at local schools by looking at the school website or the PTA website. When looking at school websites, look both for highlighted volunteer opportunities and for a list of community partners. Often, community-based organizations provide before and after-school programming and recruit volunteers as well. You can find a list of schools on our school directory webpage.

Do Seattle Public Schools ever need groups of volunteers on evenings or weekends?

While most of our volunteer opportunities happen during school hours, schools occasionally need volunteers for one-time events and for maintenance projects. Building maintenance projects are coordinated by our Self-Help Projects Program (schools that are helping themselves to complete identified maintenance or building projects). Please visit our School Volunteer Enhancement Projects Projects webpage for more information. 

What general volunteer roles are available through Seattle Public Schools?

Each school has different volunteer needs depending on their programs. Often, schools are looking for volunteers who have skills that make them a good fit for their specific school community.

Here is a short list of the general types of volunteers that our schools look for:

  • Academic support—tutoring during the school day, as well as in before and after school programs
  • Enrichment volunteers—providing enrichment activities such as arts, drama, etc.
  • Clerical/administrative volunteers—providing office or library support, supporting classroom teachers
  • One-time volunteers—supporting family events, helping with building maintenance projects, guest presenters

Where can I find more information about volunteer roles in my neighborhood school?

You can often find out more about volunteer opportunities at local schools by looking at the school website or the PTA website. When looking at school websites, look both for highlighted volunteer opportunities and for a list of community partners. Often, community-based organizations provide before and after-school programming and recruit volunteers as well. You can find a list of schools on our school directory webpage.

Do Seattle Public Schools ever need groups of volunteers on evenings or weekends?

While most of our volunteer opportunities happen during school hours, schools occasionally need volunteers for one-time events and for maintenance projects. Building maintenance projects are coordinated by our Self-Help Projects Program (schools that are helping themselves to complete identified maintenance or building projects). Please visit our School Self Help Projects webpage for more information. 

If, after reading these FAQs, you still have additional questions about volunteering, please reach out to your school’s volunteer enhancement projects liaison. If your questions are specific to SPS volunteer program policies, please contact us here.